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How Does it Feel to Channel Messages?

Writer's picture: Kori Rae KovacsKori Rae Kovacs

Updated: Jul 11, 2024

In this blogpost, I’d love to explore the topic of channeling, how I view channeling and the importance of discernment, and share with you my experience of channeled writing and art. Whether you’ve experienced channeling yourself, or are even skeptical of the whole idea, I encourage you to read on. We learn so much by hearing each other’s experiences, and by approaching challenging subjects with curiosity and open heartedness, we can begin to understand others and ourselves.

Recently, I was asked a question by someone on social media: “What does it feel like to receive channeled messages? Like, when you say you channel a poem or writing, how do you know it’s channeled? And where is it coming from?” I absolutely LOVE this question, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it’s from a pure state of curiosity and wonder, rather than judgment and closed-offness. To be completely fair, I used to be a person who would give a great big ole’ EYE ROLL when I heard someone said they were channeling. That was, until I started to experience it myself.

What is Channeling?

According to data derived from Oxford Languages, Channeling is a verb that means “to direct toward a particular end or object; cause to pass along or through a specified route or medium; serve as a medium for a spirit; emulate or seem to be inspired by (a person).” I love looking at these different perspectives of the word, because the physical action of channeling is reflective of the metaphysical concept of channeling as well.

boat in the Panama canal
The Panama Canal is one of the many channels that humans have made

Let’s look at an excellent example of a manmade channel: the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal was built in 1914 (only 110 years ago!) as a passage for ships to travel between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Before the creation of this channel, ships used to have to travel several hundreds of miles around the southern tip of South America to reach the other ocean, costing days or even weeks of time between shipments. With human ingenuity, hard work, and dedication, the creators of the canal made a channel between oceans, bridging the oceans and shaving hundreds or even thousands of hours, fuel costs, and mileage for naval transportation vessels. Humans literally “Channeled” the Atlantic ships (and all their goods) into the Pacific Ocean.

Now, let’s look at channeling from a metaphysical perspective. I think we can agree that the vast majority of people on this planet believe in some sort of divinity, universal force, or quantum field that connects us all in an unseen web-like structure or field. From my perspective, “Channeling” is simply connecting yourself to another aspect of Source, and then bringing information to the physical plane. It’s bringing forth an idea, concept, thought into physical form through a medium, like spoken or written words, art, music, a business venture, or other form of creative expression.

I think the term channeling gets a bad wrap these days, because it’s been used almost exclusively in the new-age spiritual community. People speak of channeling alien races, famous people from the past, angels, ascended masters, or a collective of beings from other time and space. But really, aren’t there examples of channeled messages in other religions too? How many times in the Bible did people speak about the messages they received from the Lord or His messengers, like Archangel Michael or a Burning Bush? The same could be said of Mohammad and Budha, and so many other great teachers in our history. I'm not knocking any of them, I think they are all incredible stories. My point is, whatever you call this human experience of connecting to the divine, it happens to most of us.

Some questions to ask yourself as you explore this topic:

What does channeling mean to you?

Does another term resonate with you better?

Do you feel resistant to the word channeling or to people who use the word?


Using Discernment with Channeled Messages

First of all, I will NEVER discount or dismiss someone’s felt or expressed experience. If someone says, “I’ve channeled Jesus and Mary Magdalene,” I make a conscious decision not to dismiss them outright. Their experience is their's alone, and I have experienced WAY TOO MANY unexplainable, ineffable things to dismiss the possibility of any experience by someone else.

What I DO look at is this: Does their message help me grow, and become a more kind, compassionate, generous, and bold version of myself (my Core Values)? Does it make me feel like Love, or does it create dissonance inside me? Do I feel triggered by the message, and if I do, why? Does that triggering help me see an unconscious pattern? If yes, then it was meant for me!

a woman on stage
Esther Hicks has been transforming lives by sharing teachings from Abraham

Let’s explore one of my favorite teachers: Esther Hicks. She began channeling Abraham, a collective of highly evolved other dimensional beings that want to help humans evolve and grow. I started listening to Abraham’s teachings several years ago, and they have helped me along my human journey in more ways than one.

Now, do I know who or what Abraham is exactly? No, not really. Do I believe that Esther has been contacted by an alien collective? I’m not really sure! But do the teachings she brings forth help me and help others live more fulfilled, joyful, and prosperous lives? Sure fucking does!!! It passes my Discernment Check because it’s information that I have tested, used, and has significantly improved my life. If you'd like to check out her work, visit her website HERE.

There have been channeled works that I’ve come across that did not resonate with me, likely because the information did not contribute to my personal mission or core values. Does that mean the person is not a Channel for who they say they are channeling? Absolutely not! It just means the message was meant for someone else. Instead of dismissing their experience, I gently let the message past by me like a cloud in the sky and wish the person who the message IS for to have an open heart and hear the gift from Source.

Ask yourself these questions when you come across channeled works to see if it’s right for you:

  • How does the message feel in your body?

  • Does it align with your core values?

  • If it does trigger you, is the message pointing to an unconscious pattern in your life?

  • If it’s not meant for you (you’ll know if it is!), then can you let it go without passing judgment on the person who channeled the message?

  • What is the intention of the channeled message? Is it being used for fame/notoriety, or to genuinely help people?

  • If it's a channeled message coming through you, does it align with your values?


My Personal Experience with Channeling

Gosh, I really believe that we ALL are Channels. I think it’s the whole point of life, honestly. To bring forth ideas from the Aether and give birth to them earthside. I mean, as a woman who has given birth to a child (10 years ago today, as a matter of fact, down to the minute as I write this!), I literally felt like I helped my daughter’s soul cross a bridge from the Other Side to Earth Side through my body. I was a Channel for her, her own personal Panama Canal.

The first time I recollect channeling a written message was May 18, 2021, six months after I had my Body Awakening after my experience with Covid-19 (to hear more about this story, check out my interview on the Silky Tales podcast with Luisa Anderson). I was watching an episode of Initiation with Mattias de Stefano on the Gaia app and something just freaking stirred inside of me. I was COMPELLED to write, like I HAD to. I grabbed my journal and furiously started writing down a download of information that came to my awareness very suddenly. As I recalled later that day in my journal, this is what occurred mid-sentence:

Something happened to me right here…. I kept writing, and the words were coming so fast, like they were bubbling up inside of me, streaming out. I couldn’t write fast enough… I was writing by hand in my “Book” that day. It was like… I was there, and there were others there with me. Not outwardly… inwardly. Inspiring the words to go through my hand and to the page. I can’t explain it any better than that…. I wish I could!

words in a journal
I feel inspired to grab another colored pen when channeling a message

I quickly picked up a different colored pen and started writing the words that were coming through me. It wasn’t like a case of the Body Snatchers, where I had zero control over what I was writing. No, I was still writing, my language was there, the way I write fifty million dots after sentences, my wit and candor were all there. AND I felt others with me. IN me. AROUND me. I felt so much LOVE and peace and excitement, it was an indescribable feeling. Instead of fighting what was happening, I just freaking wrote as fast as I could.

The messages that were forming on the paper started to make me cry, because they felt so much like LOVE. The messages, when I asked, were from three guides that have been helping me for a long time, my whole life. They even laughed in the most kind and knowing way when I asked them their names, because it’s very characteristic of me to need labels for things (neurodivergent much?) lol.

And from that point on, I realized I could channel LOTS of aspects of Me. I could talk with my guides. My angels. My body, my creativity, my Higher Self (Which I call IDa’Nir). These conversations come in the form of poetry, dictation back and forth using colored pens, light language, card readings, dance movements, hand gestures, mandala designs, dreams… and probably more ways than that, too. Some messages are meant just for me, others are messages that I share with others. Half the time, I’ll go back through my journal and will not even remember writing a particular poem or passage (which is kind of a crazy sensation, not gonna lie). But I always seem to find the messages at EXACTLY the right time. How do I know it’s the right time? Because I usually bawl my eyes out when I read them. The words feel like the biggest hug from the Universe to me.

Closing Thoughts

Channeling doesn’t make me special. I think it makes me HUMAN. Because I think that is what being Human really is: A bridge between one place and another, between the Aether and the Physical World. I think every single person has the capacity to channel. And I think most of us have, maybe without even realizing it. I think it’s different for all of us, too, because we are different vessels. All with a unique set of skills, gifts, and ways we connect to the All. I also think that most of our channels are clogged with a bunch of shitty food, shitty words and thoughts, and shitty perspectives on life and the universe.

I believe as we come back to loving and caring for our Whole Being through physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual compassion and vulnerability, we open our ability to channel Source. This is why wellness is so important to me. This is why I show others how to connect with their wombs and hearts and bodies... because the more we connect, the more we care. The more we support and care, the more these beautiful messages from the divine can flow through us, making the world a better place.

What’s your experience with channeling? Are you interested in learning more about it? Comment below!


💋Much Love,

Kori Rae

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