“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of your life is to give it away.” – David Viscott
How do I find the purpose of my life?
Why am I here on this planet?
Why am I... ME?
What am I supposed to do with my life?
What is my calling, my purpose?
I’ve observed throughout my life that most people have these burning questions deep inside them, but they RARELY talk about them with others. Here we are, a bunch of Souls with amnesia living as Human Beings, asking ourselves what the heck we’re doing here… and EVERYONE is afraid to talk about it. Somehow, we think we are the only ones who must not know. We look at social media or superstars and think, "GOSH, they must know why they are here. They look so happy and successful… and here I am, feeling very NOT."
Sister, if you are asking these questions, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Let’s be brave and explore these questions together, shall we?
The Most Incredible Gift in the World
You have an incredible gift, the most amazing gift in the entire world. You’ll know what your gift is the MOMENT that you feel the pure joy and fullness of life. You’ve probably felt it before, and maybe it's been a long time. But it’s THERE. It’s inside you at this very moment. And the world is waiting for you to bring it out of the closet.
There are people here, people who are already alive and out there, whose heart longs for the VERY THING you are.
Did you ever find the perfect present for someone? Like, it just was the rockstar of all gifts for this one person. It probably wasn’t expensive or made sense to anyone else, but you KNEW this gift was the ONE for this person you really cared about. I bet you couldn’t WAIT to give it to them, yea?
How excited were you just daydreaming about them unwrapping it? You literally were running out of the car to them, practically shoving the present in their face and saying OPEN IT NOW!! And then, feeling your joy and anticipation, they unwrap the gift with fervor, and their expression was EVEN BETTER than you imagined! They’re crying, you’re crying, you’re both hugging and jumping up and down and squealing and it’s just this moment of total love and joy and connection.
When you fully step into what Lights You Up, you automatically bring your Gift with you.
But… What if you NEVER gave that gift to them? What if it sat up in your closet, collecting dust and forgotten? What if you never gave them the gift because you were afraid that they would hate it, even though you KNOW that it is the perfect gift for them?
I’ll tell you what would happen, you would cut off the flow of joy and love between you and your friend. You would rob that other person of the moment of feeling loved and cared for, and you’d also rob yourself of the joy of knowing you expressed yourself in a deeply meaningful way. Both of your lives would be dimmer without that moment.
There are people here on this planet, people who are already alive and out there, whose heart longs for the VERY THING you are. Because your Gift is not about your talents, skills, knowledge, job, hobby, expertise… none of that is your Gift. Your Gift is the very essence of YOU, your absolute BEINGness. When you fully step into what Lights You Up, you automatically bring your Gift with you.
Finding Your Gift… It’s a Lifelong Journey
Despite my extroverted personality and energizing presence, I’ve often struggled in surface-level conversations with people. I don’t particularly want to talk about the weather or climate change or the last scandal that happened at the Olympics… but I’ll admit, I end up having those conversations a lot because what I want to talk about can make people feel REAL uncomfortable. That is until I started finding the people who wanted to talk about those deep things, too.
A Gift isn't a gift until you GIVE it away.
I had this epiphany: I felt alone because I wasn’t being my FULL SELF. I didn’t feel seen because I didn’t SEE My Self. At the beginning of 2024, I made a pact with myself to build up a circle of women around me so that I could have deep, penetrating conversations. I wanted to surround myself with women who were dedicated to developing their own self-love, and personal growth, and reaching deep within themselves to bring their Light into the world. I realized that to find these incredible women, I had to quit dimming my light to fit in.
And so, I shone. ✨
Just like magic, they started showing up. One after another, these incredible women started appearing out of seemingly nowhere. I kept putting myself in spaces where I could also grow and shine, like speaking challenges and self-love challenges, and I even kept an eye out on Instagram. I commented with enthusiasm and joy as they made a breakthrough or posted a brave video. I held up the big ole’ mirror to show these women their incredible gifts and potential, and some of them saw the light from thousands of miles away.
And just like that, I saw glimmers of my Gift.
Even though I have a clearer sense of my Gift, I'm still in the process of figuring out how to best serve others with it. Because I realized that a Gift isn't a gift until you GIVE it away. My Gift directly involves people, so I have to put myself in a position to share that gift with others. This is a journey, a LIFE-LONG one at that. See, Gift Discovery is an ever-evolving process, because as you discover a piece of it and share it, you find OTHER pieces of yourself to share. Then there's the business of living your life aligned with that Gift... also known as Living a Life On Purpose. The Gift is you, and your purpose is to GIVE that Gift.
The Gift and Money
This Gift-sharing is NOT about money… at least, not in the way most people think it is. Often, people think their Life Purpose and sharing their Gift is about DOING something specific, like a job or volunteering. They feel defeated because they assume that if they haven’t found their "purpose", they don't have something to share.
If someone knows what their unique gifts are, THEN they feel like they can’t share it because they think it won’t make them money. Or they feel that society or their families or friends will abandon or talk down to them for following what they feel called to do. And so, they don’t share or don’t even try to find a way to express their purpose.
But, here’s the kicker Friend… Your gift is not something you DO. It is Who You ARE. It is the person you are when you are expressing the unique frequency of your Soul’s Light. And you can express that gift in EVERYTHING you DO. You can share your Gift sweeping floors or running a household or a Fortune 500 company. You can give a complete stranger your Gift, or you can give it to your children or friends.
Your gift is not something you DO. It is Who You ARE.
Now that I can see my Gift coming into focus, I realized I can just as easily share my Gifts if I’m waiting tables or if I’m speaking on stage to hundreds of people (and both are things I have done). I now understand why I was a fucking PHENOMENAL server for several years. And I LOVED that job. Do you know why? I'll tell you what, it wasn't because of the actual work of scraping half eaten food off plates or walking 20K steps in 4 hours. It was because I got to shine my Light every day. Through the expression of my funky sexy style, sharing supportive and uplifting words with customers and co-workers, and helping others see the light inside themselves with every dining experience, I naturally gave the world my Gift.
When I showed up as my Most Authentic Self, Gift in hand and heart, I couldn’t help but make oodles of money as a server (I often was one of the highest paid servers in the restaurant). It didn’t matter what I was doing (although I did need to learn the skills to be a good server), all that mattered was showing up as my Full Self.
When you live an intentional life of sharing your Gift with the world, the Universe will bring abundance to you in kind. Yes, money in the form of sales or promotions or aligned work, but also an abundance of joy, love, peace, friendship, fulfillment, and vibrancy.
Re-Member Your Gift
All right Sister, are you ready to find that Gift? If you’re asking those questions about your purpose, then you are already on the journey. I don’t think there is any one way to discover your Gift, but I think there are signposts that point the way toward it. My Gift hasn’t come into focus for me until very recently, and honestly, I’m still on the path of figuring out how to best share it with the world in my business as a coach.
NGL, I STILL have some fear around sharing my Full Self in the online world, and I'm working on busting down those Fear Barriers because my most Vibrant Life is waiting for me on the other side. But most importantly, the women who are waiting for my Gift are also ready to live their most Vibrant Life. #alwaysajourney
If you're new on this Gift Quest and haven't got a clue about what it is, then I’ll share with you some of the ways that have helped me along my journey. I hope that you dare to start exploring on your own, too. Because THIS is what life is about.
Here are 5 ways for you to don your Nancy Drew detective hat and find those Gifts.
Get inquisitive AF.
Turn yourself the fuck on.
Follow the Light Breadcrumbs...
... and the Dark Breadcrumbs.
Get inspired by others.
Let's explore these actions in more detail!
Get Inquisitive AF.
If you truly want to know what your Gift is for this life, you’ve got to adopt a sense of wonder, exploration, and curiosity. You have to “lighten up” about this whole Purpose-seeking business because if you get all serious pants about what you’re here to do, you’re going to miss it when it shows up. Your Gift lives in Lightheartville, not in Seriousland. So, adopt a sense of exploration and feel the wonder about this incredible journey you get to embark on. Ask questions, journal. Be open to possibility. Look at yourself with a fresh pair of eyes.
Turn yourself the fuck on.
I'm serious. Spend some time with the ONLY person who will be with you for the rest of your life... your Self. Dress up sexy. Lock the door. Touch your body. Feeeeel how delicious and radiant and wonderful your skin, your curves, your delicious intricacies are. Dance to the most sensual music you can find. Caress your pussy and tell her how incredible she is. This isn't about achieving orgasm, this is about tapping into the pleasure of being YOU. Do this first... and THEN ask yourself the next questions in a journal.
Follow the Light breadcrumbs…
Start off by asking questions like:
What excites you?
What do you like about yourself?
What makes you come alive?
What brings you joy and fulfillment?
What activities or subjects bring out the best version of you?
Those weird things that you come up with… they are clues. They are the breadcrumbs that will lead you to Gift Discovery. But don’t just dream about them… actually go DO them. No matter how odd or out there they seem to the people around you. Because doing the things that LIght you up will generate the High Frequencies that your Gifts reside in.
… and the Dark breadcrumbs.
Your Gift has a Light and a Shadow, and sometimes we have to be like a pig and wallow in our own shit for a while to really know Who We Are. Just like everything else in the Universe, there is a paradoxical duality to our Gifts. So, also explore the Dark parts…
What do you least like about yourself?
What shuts you down and closes you off?
What activities or relationships have brought out the worst in you?
These answers are ALSO going to be clues because when we aren’t living and sharing our Light Gifts, our Dark Gifts come out. This isn’t the time for judgment though, hun. THIS is the time to see the magnificence of Your Dualistic Nature, and that it ALL is meant to help you find your way back home to Your Self.
Get inspired by others.
I cannot emphasize how important it is for you to get around other people who want more for their lives. More joy, more love, more peace, more freedom of expression, more purpose-driven action, more service to others. By upleveling your tribe, you will feel inspired to uplevel yourself, which always leads to your Gift. Feeling a little lacking in the Upleveled Tribe? Here are some quick ideas to get inspired by other people:
Start reading stories of other inspiring people. Go down the biography or self-help section at your local library and pick out a couple books.
Listen to podcasts or watch YouTube videos from others who are inspiring and focused on serving others.
Need some names? My personal favorite current thought leaders are Brendon Burchard, Mel Robbins, Ed Mylett, Rebecca Campbell, Mama Gena (Regina Thomashauer), Gary Vee, Bob Proctor, Lisa Lister, Brené Brown, Rachel Rogers, Amy Porterfield, Matthew McConaughey, Natalie Ellis, Jamie Kern Lima, and so many others.
Go volunteer and talk to the others volunteering with you.
Join a mastermind group or a Rotary Club.
Go to conferences and network.
When You Find Your Gift
When that Gift finally comes into focus, the journey is not yet over. Honestly, that’s when it gets good. Because now that you’ve Re-Membered why the fuck you’re here and who you are at your core, you now have the challenge to LIVE it every day. Finding your Gift is one thing, but sharing your Gift is a whole other challenge. And it’s not easy. But it is so worth it. I promise you.
The more you trust that your Gifts are meant to be shared, and there are people out there who are looking for the exact Gift YOU have… everything changes. Fear disappears because it’s no longer only about yourself… it’s about ALL of us. The Gift is an energy exchange between the Giver and the Receiver… BOTH experience joy and connection through The Sacred Sharing.
(Literally my guides are hollering at me right now, as I write these words. They are saying, "THIS MESSAGE IS FOR YOU TOO, KORI!! We know you've been scared to share the Full You. And the fear is keeping you from the Flow of Love. The more you let go of that perceived safety net of keeping your Gift in the closet, the more you'll see that your Sharing was the very safety and freedom you craved."
Please know, friend, I’m writing this to you and reflecting it right back to me, because I need these words too. I need reminding that I live a purposeful life when I share my Gift... and my joy is found when I share my full self without shame and without fear. This is how we grow, Sister, we do it together.)
I love you, Friend. So much. There is so much gratitude in my heart for you, for even asking yourself these questions. Because you asked, the answer exists. Be brave, Dear Soul. Be courageous enough to go searching for the Light inside your heart. Once you find it, be brave enough to share it with the world… because THIS is how the world changes. It starts with you. And me. And both you and the world deserve to have the most incredible Gift of all… Your Light.
The Gift You Give the World… is YOU.
If you feel like you’ve been on this Gift Discovery journey and want a guide to walk with you, schedule a free 30-minute call with me so we can create a plan for you to live your most Vibrant Life while uncovering your Light. You can reach me at hello@koriraewellness.com.
You are SO WORTHY of a Vibrant Life.
💋Kori Rae
P.S. This blog is dedicated to all of those special Sisters who have lit my world ablaze with Love and Purpose and helped me to uncover my Gifts over the last year:
To the woman who showed up in a Facebook witches group and started a Goddess circle with me, Thank you for lighting a fire under my ass... you are the bravest and most patient Mom I know. Love ya Sista!
To the woman who painted her face with her menstrual blood and posted it bravely on social media, I see you Soul Sister Priestess and I’m so grateful for the beautiful conversation we create and the space we hold for each other... I fucking love you, Babe.
To the woman who is single-handedly breaking down generational patterns on a tropical island, I see your Light from WAY over here and I am so inspired by your kindness and generosity every single day. xoxoxo
To the woman who was scared to come talk to me after I spoke but did anyways, I'm so inspired by your bravery and conviction to help other women live their most amazing healthy lives and I'm grateful to call you friend and Sister. So much love to you.
To the woman whose light I saw in a Zoom meeting of other course creators, I’m so blessed to be on this journey of Soul Re-Membering with you as Cyclical Beings... your children are so blessed to have you as their Mom, and the women you reach daily are blessed by your massive heart and insightful words. Love you Friend.
To the woman who I met on a dating site and turned into a wonderful friend, You are so brave to go after your dreams and I'm excited to watch you grow. I love you Sis.
To the woman who messaged me, a stranger on IG, to share her health struggles, I cannot express enough gratitude for your continuous support and cheerleading. Your thoughtfulness and love pour out of you, and you are so worthy of a joyful life Sister. I love you dearly.
To the woman who found me during a huge online challenge and sparkled her light all the way from the North... it has been an absolute delight to watch you bring your song and art back into the world. You are a dear friend and I'm so grateful for you.
To the woman who was afraid that she didn’t have a seat at the table and I pulled out the purple velvet chair for her, I’m so grateful for your light and conversations. You have so much to give to this world, and you are enough, my friend. xoxox
To the woman who I met in a speaking challenge group and who supported me when I shared the most vulnerable part of my story, Thank YOU for sharing your story with the world and letting me know I’m not alone. You've been through so much, and your heart is so big... there are so many women out there ready to receive your Gift. I know because I was one of them. I love you Sister.
To the woman who reached out to me when faced with a difficult health decision and decided to trust her womb and heart, Thank you for building a magical friendship with me... you are so inspiring and you constantly remind me to live my truth. I'm so excited to see where our magic can take us from here! Muah!
To the woman who took a chance on me from a random post in a Facebook Vendors group and is now a dear friend and business partner, I’m beyond words grateful for your mentorship and inspiration. You bring such a beautiful grounded presence to others, and so many women have been blessed by you already. Keep going, Sis.
To the woman who is my Sister from Another Mister and has dedicated her life to women's sexual health education and helping them reconnect with their pleasure and joy, Your incredible Light and Joy is felt always and I’m so grateful to be birthing this Creation Baby with you... our Sistership is a dream come true. #cometogether
… and to all you Sisters who read these blog posts and my musings on Social media, You shine in your beautiful, unique ways, and I want you to know... I love you very much.