Lately, there’s been a lot of divisiveness about Truth. Jump on social media for 0.5 seconds and you’ll see how divided people have become about Truth… especially in the year of a presidential election here in the United States.
The funny thing about Truth is that it is relative. We like to think that Truth is some sort of ultimate litmus test for honesty and integrity, but Truth really is in the eye of the beholder. We are all human beings, with different experiences, biases, beliefs, and filters that Truth passes through. Whether it is coming from your mouth as expressed words or entering your brain as received words, it is going through the Filter of You.
Here are a few insights on Truth I have pondered over the years. As with any of my posts, take what resonates with you, and leave the rest for someone else.
Myth #1: Truth = Reality
People often mistake truth for reality. When in fact, Truth is Experience Filtered. It is relative to the person who said it and who is receiving it. Of course, there are falsities and blatant lies as well, and I’m not here to deny that people lie for all sorts of reasons. You could ask 100 people who witnessed a major incident in a public area about what happened, and you will get 100 different versions of the event. Who’s right? Whose truth is real?
Well, NO ONE’s truth is reality. Because we all have different perspectives, different thoughts about people or circumstances, and the experiences we have get pushed through our Filters… not once, but EVERY time we think about or recount the story out loud. This phenomenon is called the Rashomon Effect, and it is used in literature, film, psychology, and legal studies. The sooner we accept this point, the sooner we can get on with creating a world of peace. There’s no point in arguing about what ACTUALLY happened because it is impossible for us to perceive Reality without getting our Filters involved. All arguing gets us is angry or hurt feelings and it tears people apart.
Myth #2: If THIS is true, then THAT must be false.
This kind of thinking keeps out connection, possibilities, and growth. This myth was busted for me in my freshman year of college. In 2015, I attended a local Catholic university in San Antonio, Texas, called the University of Incarnate Word. I was studying fashion management at the time, and one of the mandatory classes was some sort of religion class. I was not too keen on taking the class, but I chose a Spirituality class that discussed different spiritual teachers throughout history. Towards the end of class, we all had the opportunity to sit down with the Sister who taught the class in a 1:1 discussion.
I walked into the chapel, still feeling uncomfortable as I had not really worked through much of my religious trauma and negative beliefs about the Catholic church at the time. I sat down with Sister Chloe, and we started our talk. We talked about the class, and she bluntly told me I was one of the most intelligent but difficult students she’s ever had. In the spirit of openness, I expressed one of the biggest complaints I had about religion.
“Look, my biggest issue with religion, especially Christianity, is the fact that everyone is walking around saying ‘My God is the ONLY God and everyone else is wrong! Believe in the Bible, or you’re going to hell!’ There are 2 billion Christians on this planet right now, and that means that most of the world is NOT Christian. I absolutely refuse to believe in a God who would send the majority of HIS creation to hell simply because they chose to believe in something other than a highly curated book that was written by a bunch of men hundreds of years ago. It’s bullcrap!”
Sister Chloe sat there, listening intently as I ranted beside her. After a pregnant silence, she took a deep breath, smiled, and said, “Why does anyone have to be wrong? Maybe everyone has their own path to God.” I sat there, stunned at her answer. This nun literally blew my mind. My entire body rang with a resonance that soon became my Internal Guidance System. Not only was her comment profound, but the fact that it came from a nun made a huge impact on me. Little did she know (or maybe she DID know!), that one comment tore the lid off of years of my belief that if one faith is “true”, every other faith had to be “false.”
Thus began a quest for me to find MY Truth. Because someone else’s Truth doesn’t have to be wrong for my Truth to be right… for ME. Indeed, THIS and THAT can be true, simultaneously, because, at the end of the day, there are a Billion Truths.
And with that, I’ll share with you some of my channeled writing from a few years ago. It’s called A Billion Truths, and I pray it will inspire you to ponder your relationship with Your Truth.
A Billion Truths: A Channeled Writing
We share the truths that we hold within ourselves… It is important to recognize that it’s only ONE truth. One truth among BILLIONS of truths. That’s just on this planet. There are a billion billion truths. And every single truth is just as valid as another.
When you share your truth, you are not telling someone THEIR truth… it is always through your eyes, from your heart. The most magickal thing in this human experience is that sometimes our truth can ignite a spark in another person… one that leads them on a path of self-awareness, self-love, and self-expression. It can lead them to their own Truth.
Every voice is needed.
Your Light is needed.
Some will see you.
Some will not.
We sometimes feel like our influence is not making a difference. We post insights on social media. We give a kind word to a friend. Our circles touch others, but they don’t seem to have much traction. So, we become defeated, discouraged… we feel like our voices don’t matter.
But those circles touch other circles, which lead to yet other circles… the dominoes of influence. The Butterfly Effect. They eventually ALL overlap. We are doing this work. Don’t stop believing. Fear keeps our circle dark.
There are others… millions… maybe billions... that NEED you to speak your Truth. Because for the person who is close to you in frequency or is in the place where they can see the signpost… they will be able to walk down their path of discovery towards Re-Membering. They will start to connect those threads back to their True Selves… their HeartSoul. And that will send ripples out to a world in need of connection to our Divine Truth.
That’s why religion can be so dangerous because any single person’s dogma can be taken for the ONLY truth. It is people following other people’s truths blindly, without question, without an internal check and balance. The Masters across the ages have used words as Signposts… they lived their lives as an example of how we, as humans, are capable of living. But their way is not the only way. There are a million routes to your ultimate destination, and the Masters understood this. If there was only one way to get to a place, then why are there thousands upon thousands of roads that will take you there?
Yeshua spoke in parables, so that way the truths he saw could be understood by other souls in simple ways. But not every soul will see it the same way. Some can’t see it all. And that’s ok. Others could hear and see Yeshua's truths, and his gifts of parable were meant for them. The same applies to all the great Masters of Our Time, both past and present.
There are other teachers, other people, who speak differently, who phrase things in a particular way that reaches the core of another person… one that may have never been reached before. And these teachers, mystics, everyday folks… and like Yeshua, they aren’t looking for a following, they don’t want a religion formed after them…. They want other people to discover God within themselves. Your words, your creations, they are just as powerful, Friend. They can help another soul along their journey, either by taking them down a different path or helping them stand resolutely in their current Truth.
So, write your poetry Dear One. Sing your songs. Speak about those things that ignite your soul… do all this because it feels good. Share your creations, your observations, simply because it gives you joy. Be wary of claiming your Truth is the Only Way because there are Many Ways back to Self. Above all, give your gifts to the world, because there are hearts waiting to be ignited by yours.
I hope that this week's post gives you some thoughts to ponder. I encourage you to hit your journal today and ask a few questions:
Where in my life have I been making my Truth the ONLY truth?
What relationships might be affected by me not allowing their truth to exist as well?
How can I share my true gifts and creations with the world?
May you have a joyful week my friend!
💋Kori Rae