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Your Soul Had a Dream... How Do I Find My Life's Purpose?

Writer's picture: Kori Rae KovacsKori Rae Kovacs

Have you been feeling a little lost lately? Like, somehow you missed the train that was supposed to take you to the life you wanted to live? Do you feel like your life is missing purpose? Then today's post is for you.

In 2021, I was having a rough patch, unsure of my decisions or the path I had chosen to walk. It was about 3 months after I left my job as a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Department of a regional hospital... and I was feeling so LOST. I brought my fears and worries to my daily meditation and journaling session to gain clarity and direction.

I asked the Universe, "Am I living the life I was meant to live? How do I find my Life's Purpose and meaning? I feel so lost. Please help me find meaning and clarity. Thank you."

Taking time to center and focus on my breathing, I dropped into Receive mode and opened my heart to a response from Spirit. I felt my guides close to me, and IDa'Nir (my Higher Self) was the presence I felt step forward. With the urge to put pen to paper, a beautiful message came through. Call it what you will: Channeling, introspection, creative Flow, inspired by the Holy Spirit... literally whatever suits you. (If you'd like to read more about my experience with Channeling, read THIS.) Whatever you call it, the message was clear and powerful and EXACTLY what I needed to hear.

I'll share the message with you here. Whether you believe in channeling or not, and you are reading this post... trust that the message is for you. I share the message because it helped me when I was feeling alone and worried that I was living the "wrong" life. I pray it brings you comfort and hope if you feel you have been lost or challenged with life lately.


You're Soul Had a Dream... and Your Life is IT

This life you are living right now was once a dream. It was not just a dream, but a yearning for yourself to experience. Every laugh. Every sunrise. Every sorrow. Every single moment. Before the “you” that exists now, you were only a concept. A divine idea. Then one day, you get the call that says, “Today’s the day! It’s time to start the YOU-Adventure!”

All those things your SoulSelf had been dreaming up in the Aether… now you get to DO them! How joyful your Soul must be the moment you leave the physical plane to look at that life and realize it was even grander than you imagined. Maybe that experiment brought up new questions. New ideas. More pages are written in the YouBook… so you tweak the parameters. Set your controls. Establish your variables. And when you’re ready, you press play. It starts again.

There is no failure here. Experiments cannot fail. Because the purpose of the experiment is not to prove you are right, nor is it to disprove your idea, either. It is simply a way for you to see how things interact. If it turns out differently than you hypothesized or expected… then you can always go back to the original question or thought and change it. Maybe the point of the experiment/experience (which btw used to mean the same thing back in the 1600’s) was clarity. Or to find more questions in the journey of curiosity. Or to just throw some shit together and see what happens!

a child playing with stars
Your soul loves when you try new things

Have you ever watched a young child do experiments? A baby delights every time they throw their sippy cup on the floor because it falls and bangs EVERY time! They have never seen gravity at work, so to them, that experience is quite possibly the most amazing, fascinating thing EVER!!!

Or what about the first time you mixed baking soda and vinegar together? It usually was the “volcano” project in elementary school. These two seemingly harmless, stinky substances sit there separate… boring as all get out. But, put them together with some red food coloring, and BAM! A colossal explosion of red “magma” and echoes of laughter, wonder, and delight from the crowd.

Your soul does that every time you take stuff and smash it together. Or you knock down your tower and build a new one. Or you throw spaghetti on the wall to find out if it sticks.

Your soul gets excited when you take that art class you've been secretly longing to take.

Your soul jumps for joy when you apply for that "weird" job that you've been fantasizing about for 10 years.

Your soul delights when you join that baking group because sharing cupcakes with others lights up your heart.

How delightful!

You place so much heaviness, so much weight, on yourselves while living. You would do well to ask yourselves these questions:

  • What would happen if you "lightened up"?

  • What if you looked at these beautiful ideas about your life, about who you can be, and called those ideas Divinely Inspired?

  • What if you stopped making yourselves so heavy with your fears and doubts and worries?

  • What if you took a step every single day towards those Dreams that were planted in your hearts since the day you incarnated here on earth?

  • What if you believed those dreams were the very Dreams of God?

  • And that the reason why you have those dreams is so you can be the very Expression of the Divine?

  • What if THIS was your Life's Purpose? Your Soul Purpose? Your SOLE Purpose?

  • How would you act THEN?

  • Would you continue to grind your faces on the ground and curse the heavens and say this life is horrid?

  • Or instead, would you pick yourselves up off the dirt and step in the direction of your Heart's Desire?

Your Soul had a Dream, and your life is it. But your Soul didn't leave you stuck in a one-set path... your Soul gave you the greatest gift known to the Universe:


You get to choose. YOU get to choose. You GET to choose. You get to CHOOSE.

You are always choosing, every second of every day. Even a seemingly non-choice to stay in the same place... that is still a choice. Only you get to decide how you think, what you say, how you act towards yourself and others. That's it, just you. Source gave you all the tools you need to realize the burning desire in your heart. Indeed, if you have that desire, that Dream, then it could have come from nowhere else BUT God. Because Source is where all things are from, and to which all things return. Spirit to form, form to Spirit. God to Goddess, Goddess to God. This is the in-and-out breath of the I Am.

So CHOOSE, Dear One. Be not passive with your choice, but choose with your mind, your heart, your body, your Whole Being. Choose and then steer the Ship of your Life toward that Dream. Trust and have Faith that you have everything you need to get yourself there.

You get to choose what Dream you pursue. And you take a step, two, ten steps in that direction.

Have Faith in your Ship, your Vessel, your Whole Being.

Source ALWAYS takes care of the rest.


I love it when messages like these come back in my life when I need to hear it the most. Like the never-ending spiral, I re-member something new every time the message comes back into my awareness.

You have so much joy available to you, my Friend. Joy lives in your heart, she's always there waiting for you to come in and Play. Those little things that light you up, those weird, non "productive" creative actions... THOSE are the keys to your Joy and Freedom.

Those dreams... they were planted in your heart by You, your Soul, and God, before you came here. Follow those beautiful, weird things that make your heart sing.... not because it will get you a ton of money or fame... but because they make you HAPPY. Because when you line up your life with your light, you SHINE EVERYWHERE. And when you shine, your life, your relationships, your work, become a Vibrant mosaic of joy, wonder, and love.

You are SO worthy of a Vibrant Life.

Much Love,

💋Kori Rae

P.S. If you'd like to gain more clarity and receive insight from Spirit about living a Soul-Focused, Vibrant Life, then I invite you to have a Soul Purpose Card Reading and Coaching Session with me. It's the perfect combination of Spirit and Science to help you find meaningful clarity and take action steps towards your most Vibrant Life. Check out my services page for this and other readings and coaching sessions.

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